The lives of people of all age groups, people Ws Numbers List seem as if they are infused with a need to become "cool" and as a result, the need Ws Numbers List for mobile phones has risen drastically. That vibration and sound of receiving a message Ws Numbers List have become more imperative than eating, sleeping, and all day-to-day activities. Phantom notification syndrome
The tendency of someone to believe they Ws Numbers List got a notification when they have actually not) is not just an observation about the youth Ws Numbers List but for almost all people with a "smartphone" these days. It is as if we have been Ws Numbers List programmed to check up on our phone every minute or two for no suggestive reason. And if it is not to check up on our zero messages
it is either to take a selfie, or just to Ws Numbers List console ourselves we are looking fine, or to play games. In a very rare instance, it is a task Ws Numbers List outside these 3 categories. And if we examine objectively, after nstagramming, the next Ws Numbers List favorite thing of people is to tire out their fingers playing games. After WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram this is the thing in common in all devices. So simple and yet so addictive.